Secret Privacy Notice.


In compliance with the Federal Law on protection of personal data held by individuals, Samuel de Jesús López Palomo (hereinafter Secret) informs you that you are responsible for your personal data and we are a company that creates emotions and experiences through clothing floral arrangements for every occasion and mood.
We are located in North Ave. Satellite / C. Sagittarius and Polar, Manzana 15, Lote 1, Region 3, Col. Centro, CP 77780, Tulum, Quintana Roo, Mexico. Our telephone number is: +52 (984) 132 1651. The head of the Data Protection is the Web Development department who can be contacted on email:
This Privacy Notice is part of the following website:
One of the priorities Secret is to respect the privacy of its users and to keep all information and personal data it collects, so you share information solely with Secret safe.

Information requested

The data requested on our website are:

  • • Name
  • • Surnames
  • • Password
  • • Email
  • • Home phone
  • • Telephone office
  • • Mobile phone
  • • Country
  • • State

When using our online service, we will be requesting bank details and / or credit card such as:

  • • Bank information
  • • Name
  • • Address
  • • Phone
  • • Sex
  • • Age
  • • Birthdate
  • • Email


Secret does not request any sensitive data on their websites.
Information use
To receive information via email:
Your data will be processed for the following purposes:

  • (I) provide the information requested by us;
  • (II) if you purchase a product or hire a service, improve, implement and control the proper performance of the contract;
  • (III) meet the legal obligations Secret, and
  • (IV) to send promotional communications in the event that they have been specifically requested (at the time of registration on our websites, using the appropriate box or paragraph to that effect within the web sites and blogs Secret)


Secret will send promotional communications relating to any product or service available on our websites.


Secret will send such e-mail communications.
Secret uses the information requested to provide the services and products you have requested, to conduct internal research on demographics and interests of our users and provide both the most satisfying to visit our site and buy our services experience. Also to inform our users about new products or services that are related to the contracted or purchased by the customer, to comply with obligations to our customers, evaluate the quality of service, report on changes in our products or services and provide better service user. The information provided to us is for the exclusive use of Secret. Secret requests information that allows us to contact customers or users as needed. information requested during the registration process, when you hire a service or buy a product online is used.